Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is considered an autoimmune disease. Why? Let’s find out the reasons but first, it is important to define some terms to understand this condition.
What Is Polymyalgia?
“Poly” is a prefix which means many or multiple. “Myalgia” means pain in a muscle or muscles. Rheumatica comes from the Greek “rheuma” which means to flow. Thus, polymyalgia rheumatica is defined as a disease characterized by pain and stiffness flowing all over the body, usually occurring in the upper body from the hips, the neck, shoulders, and upper arms.
What Is an Auto Immune Disease?

We know that our body has an immune system that works like a defense from all infections or invasions that can make a person weak or sick. When the body develops an autoimmune disease, it can be likened to an army of soldiers attacking its own comrades. The body’s immune system attacks the healthy tissues, and in a way fails to activate the antibodies to protect the good cells.
About 100 different types of autoimmune disease can affect people of all ages and race. According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), it affects approximatelt 50 million Americans. Click here for the complete List of Autoimmune Diseases. The most commonly known autoimmune diseases are psoriasis, diabetes type 1, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. Many of these diseases have symptoms that are similar so some laboratory tests are required in diagnosing them accurately. But there’s one common among autoimmune disease symptoms – inflammation.
Role of White Blood Cells in Autoimmune Diseases
White blood cells (WBC) are also referred to as leukocytes or leucocytes. They are the defenses that protect the body from infections or free radicals. The white blood cells attack bacteria, germs, viruses that invade the body. The bone marrow produces the white blood cells but they circulate throughout the body.
However, there are cases when your white blood cell count are not normal. This is revealed by a Complete Blood Count (CBC) result. When the white blood cell count is lower than normal, it can be an indication of a viral infection, congenital disorders or certain forms of cancer.
Similarly, when your bone marrow has increased white blood cells than normal, it means that the WBC is trying to fight an infection. Or it can be a reaction to certain medications. High production of WBC is also an indicator of problems with the bone marrow. And important to note, increased WBC results from inflammation caused by autoimmune diseases.
Why PMR is an Autoimmune Disease
Polymyalgia rheumatica is a rare autoimmune disorder according to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). Its cause is unknown and usually attributed to factors such as genetics and infections. Another factor is aging process. In the USA, seven hundred out of 100,000 people over 50 years old have PMR.
Here’s another evidence that will explain why PMR is an autoimmune disorder. Medical experts say that PMR is related to another autoimmune disease called giant cell arteritis (GCA).
Giant Cell Arteritis
GCA causes the inflammation of the temporal artery although other arteries in the body can also be affected. Researchers show that polymyalgia rheumatica coexists in 40% of GCA patients. In the same way that about ten percent of PMR patients develop GCA.
Treatment of PMR
There are no treatments for polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) or any autoimmune diseases. Doctors focus only on symptoms relief. Medications given are addressed to suppress the immune system (immunosuppressant) or to relieve pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are also prescribed. Self-medication is a risk so consult with your rheumatologist for the right medicines to take.
Having had sepsis four times this year and once in 2019, I have developed what my GP believes to be PMR. Do you have any research which connects the two ?
No link, PMR just happens. Have you had tests for all the other diseases when your SED is high?
I had and was negative for all the others.
I am retired from the medical field.
I had a fall 6 months ago which resulted in cellulitis developing within 10 hours. I was on the point of the infection turning into sepsis after 4 weeks of antibiotics. eye sight deteriorated and i would just tumble and fall for no reason. B12 injections followed then horrendous pains in shoulders and pelvic region began. Dr done loads more blood tests and a short dose of steroids which improved symptoms. unfortunately as soon as i stopped taking the steroids all symptoms returned. Dr said I have polymyalgia rheumatica and I am on a 12/18 month reducing steroids treatment. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago which a good diet, meditation and other holistic treatments relieved. Full circle im in so much pain and weight is gaining all because a hotel turned off the floodlight to the entrance and i tripped over a planter in the pitch black darkness which should have been lit up 😩 any suggestions I can’t take nsaids due to allergic reactions.
i was diagnosed with pmr i was on prednizone in decreasing doses from 10mg daily to 0 mg daily over 2 and 1/2 years i am still no better what do you think is going on iam a type2 diabetic i have psorisis and ulcertive colitis
It’s pesticides accumulating in the lungs and making them swell up which then forces the linkages (bones) moving from the shoulders down the arms, fingers to get out of alignment which then causes much pain when arm movement occurs.
You need to get carbon filter type filters in the house and close windows. Also detoxing the pesticides out through sweating or going in salt water (sea or floatation tanks)
I was diagnosed with PMR before Covid. I took hydroxychloroquine when I caught COVID and my pmr symptoms got better. I discovered some research on the nih site that showed a large percentage of PMR patients improved taking hydroxychloroquine. My doctor agreed to let me try. I have been in total remission and pain free for 2 years. ( never took the steroids)
I had the first time lasting a couple of years, I flew to my birth country high in the Andes ,I knew if I stayed months my body would make more red cells ,had weekly inyection of B12.
In the USA I refused steroids because is hard to stop them, my pain was unbearable and cant take narcotics.
My PMR was gone in 2 months, red cell up,white lower.
8 years later I had again PMR, milder ,manageable, so I get it for months,is gone.
My SED remains high, but not like the first time.
My blood work every 3 months includes sed.
How do you attribute going home to the Andes in helping your Pmr? I heard the B-12 shots but any other regiment of meds being otc, holistic or dr. Prescribed?
I had a fall 6 months ago which resulted in cellulitis developing within 10 hours. I was on the point of the infection turning into sepsis after 4 weeks of antibiotics. eye sight deteriorated and i would just tumble and fall for no reason. B12 injections followed then horrendous pains in shoulders and pelvic region began. Dr done loads more blood tests and a short dose of steroids which improved symptoms. unfortunately as soon as i stopped taking the steroids all symptoms returned. Dr said I have polymyalgia rheumatica and I am on a 12/18 month reducing steroids treatment. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago which a good diet, meditation and other holistic treatments relieved. Full circle im in so much pain and weight is gaining all because a hotel turned off the floodlight to the entrance and i tripped over a planter in the pitch black darkness which should have been lit up 😩 any suggestions I can’t take nsaids due to allergic reactions.